Friday, May 16, 2014

A Gallery of Postcards Past (And Letters!)

So I lied a little. I looked at the clock and realized it was midnight, so instead of a schedule, packing list and my findings at the WRHS, here are the scanned images of the letters and postcards Mary and George sent home during their trip. The way these are organized is that the page with the stamp is shown first, then whatever is left.

Dear Dad, Mother, + Ed [their brother],
     This has been a very exciting and eventful day. It is hard to realize that what I have looked foreward to for so very long has finally come time and that we are actually off to Europe. I feel a bit ashamed that I have done so little to deserve this and the sacrifices that you must make for our vacation. I can only hope to act in such a way on this trip so that you may be proud of us.I don't know very much about our party as yet. Brandon(?) Thompson is very nice and so is Don Andersen. Of the girls, I know only Barbara Holbroke who seems very nice also. I'll try to tell you more later.
        Dinner tonight was good and all in all I have no kicks coming. While the boat may not be as comfortable as at home it certainly is adequate and we should have a  pleasant stay aboard.Third class is really quite swell! I admit our cabin isn't much but we can at least sleep in them. That is I think so; I have not tried as yet.
    The departure was certainly slow today + you were good sports to stay to the end. I know our feet got tired + I imagine yours were too. I am going to write Edward-Harison, (?) until I hear different 

from you. I believe this letter will be taken off tomorrow at Boston. Mary + I got telegraph from (?), Anne, + Denis and Aunt Katie + (?) Vie. Also heard from the Steins-Kay + Joe. Will write our "bread + butter" letters tomorrow morning.
    Will remember to take care of Mary + myself. Do have a good summer + thanks again for a swell trip.

Dear Mom and Dad,
    It's now 9:45 AM and we've just finished breakfast. I'm afraid it will break me fast! It's very rocky.
    Your letters were swell. We also got telegrams from Carolyn, Ann, + Doris and one from Uncle Vic and Aunt Katie, a letter from Aunt Stella (Feil), and one from Kay + Joy.
    The kids in the group are just swell. My roommate isn't the one you saw. She's around 30 - very neat! Irish, going to Belfast to see her family. She's from Princeton, NJ, and works in a store. Last night the band played from 9 to 11 - no one danced. All the sewards and everyone just stood around. God, Don Anderson, (the one you saw -tall- from California-teaches English- grad. '34. He's very nice. Anyway we all went up to sit on some deck chairs. A steward came by and warned us that we were sitting outside infectious diseases! Did I run! No one was there then, but he expected some today! I asked him what I'd break out with!
   Will get to Boston about 2. Poor Frani! Well-I hope to see a little of Boston-so far so good. I've scarcely touched the candy-you know. Will write from W,C,I London!
P.S. We're now busy making out declaration forms. Able to read---, write etc!

Dear Dad and Mother,
      We were about two and one-half hours late arriving in Boston and are consequently not allowed to land. Mar is out looking for Franny-has not found her as yet. I am going up to call the Rosenfelds if it does not cost a (?).
    We had a good night's sleep and I have not had to use any of these sea-sickness pills. This morning the sea was very calm and we could see the "Cafe" easily. Have been eating swell meals and intend to go up to the gym later this afternoon.
     Hope Dad got (?) all night. The mail has not yet been sorted so we don't know whether or not you wrote us.
     This has been a swell trip-lots of fun, good weather, and a calm sea. Hope it all continues.
    I suppose I'll be meeting soon the members of the group who get on here. Wonder what they are like. At my table - for meals - there is Ruth---and two from Boston.
     Want to get this letter off so will close. Have a good summer +
thanks again for the swell trip. Love, George P.S. will write again at Belfast. You can reach us by addressing mail to ship + send it by the "Yankey Clipper"--I hope!

Dear Dad and Mother,
        Today we start out cycling and as a man said last night-it's raining. Have not seen the bikes yet. We are going around (?) (?)- "By your Bennie Beenks"
      The group is quite jolly though some of the girls (?) have some trouble cycling. Tomorrow I believe we are going to Edinburgh.
      The trip access was quite good--(?) (?) terribly rough day. The boat was predominantly Yale-only two or three Harvards and seven or eight from Yale.
       Hope you got our cable all right. I have not cashed of my travelers checks + still have over a pound left of the cash.
       Wonder (if we have any money left) could Mary + I stay on in France a week or two longer + come back on another boat. That is if everything goes well. It's a good idea anyway.
July 7. (nite!)
Dear Mom + Dad,
    Am I stiff-neither able to stand or sit-we did 45 mi-our 1st cycle! My bike wouldn't work the last 8 miles-Great sport-the gear broke on something. I just went round + round-the meals are queer + lousy-We have not a moment to ourselves! It rained about 5 times-like a shower + drying (sun) with all your clothes on-(?) tomorrow Edinburg. 9:25-by train. Will write soon! love, Mary.
Dear Mom + Dad,
        The 1st day, Friday, we biked only 35 miles. It was fish story day and I stretched the miles.
         Yesterday we trained to Edinburgh. It's a lovely place-much more fun than Glasgow! We visited Princes st. where I bought a yellow Brooks sweater (what another!) for $5.25. It's a beauty + I'll probably get more by mail. They cost $15 in U.S.A.
        I made 3 swell friends on the boat. Sloan Allison (Glasgow) (all boys!) is Scotch. He wrote me a little note yesterday! Gerald Mason (Edinburgh) is English-a Cambridge student no less! He also enclosed a note with Sloan's. I haven't seem them since the boat. I wrote them notes this A.M. Kew Forsyte (American), artist (21)- industrial advertising from Phila. on thereabouts, is spending a year in Paris, working. There was also a darling couple, Mary + John Elmandorf (both 22) were on their way to Paris, where John will teach German + French this summer in a boys' school.
We cycle 45 miles today + end up at Troon Hostel at Edinburgh (to get back) we also saw the Castle + the Palace. We had coffee at Crawfords in the mid-morning and tea at the abbey sanctuary in the afternoon-plus 3 square meals! More anon- Breakfast is on + then we're off.
Dear Mother,
We are stopping off here this (?night?). Are going in the house. It's like Whitman's from the outside, but has a thatch. Love, George
July 10, 1939

Here we are after our 1st nite at a youth hostel. Wasn't so bad-not very exciting-we're waiting for some kids before we enter Burn's. We sleep in (or near) a castle tonite--I'm not as stiff as I was the 1st day-one of the girls was tripped + has a slight concussion (at the hostel)--have not heard from Brussels! Love, Mary
July 11,

Dear Dad + Mother,
We stopped off here last night-much better than the hostel the night before. The castle was built 120 years before + there is an older one near by build in the 16th century. We are having a wonderful time.
Love, George
July 12 '39
Hello-the girl with the head's OK-this is more lovely than the castle yesterday-It's huge-we did only 10 miles yesterday-rode in trains-1 1/2 hr. between. Ruth + I went ice skating in Ayr -most fun-like the arena. Going to Carlisle-20 miles or so-everyone happy!
Love, Mary

July 14,
Dear Mother,
       This is where we stayed three nights ago. Very nice except no hot water. Today it is raining + we are at Langdale sitting in front of a fire. we will be here for three or so more days. George

July 14,-continued
Dear Mother,
      Yesterday we came across this pass + made Langdale about 8 at night. It was raining + quite foggy Was quite a rush to the top but lots of fun coming down. We have received two of your letters + I don't think the "Celiffy letter" actually went (?). Have not heard from Ed yet. We have sent him cards. Love, George

Dear Mom + Dad,
      Don't mind the paper-I've really landed!
      I think I shall start from Hoddom castle-my last post card. On our way to Carlisle Hostel-on Wed. we passed thru Gretna Green, runaway marriages. We passed Carlyle's home-but it wasn't worth going in-we had lunch at G.G. and then saw the anuil. Two of our group Brzx + Gladys had a mock marriage. More fun! It was very exciting to cross the line into England-had some pictures taken of me by the sign-hope they turn out. When at last we arrived at Carlisle-your letters were waiting--fun! After supper we decided (5 of us) to see the famous Carlisle Cathedral-we arrived after visiting hours, but Midge (Mt. Holyoke grad '38) + I (while Ruth (Mt. H grad '34), Don (Cal. '35), Peg, the guide + Peg (going to be a doctor!)) anyway Midge + I dared to knock-ring I mean at the home of the Archdeacon-no less-we tried teh canon-no answer-the maid came to the door-rather astonished-then we saw the son of the A.D.-Eng. accent, rather dignified + uppity-in bedroom slippers-He said that he was ask his father-since we were from America etc. We tried to make it seem as if we had come to Eng just to see the Cathedral. Soon the A.D. came down-he was very considerate + showed us-with rusty boys-the 12th cent. Norman part of the main cathedral-very interesting + beautiful windows! We saw a room where the monks ate-+ the crypt-now an air raid shelter! We really had a very good time. The A.D. pointed out how the arches were crooked because of the additional weight of the roof. They still hold up though! We saw how the monks carved on the seats + where prisoners time of 1750-Charles I-or something (my history is terrible!) carved their initials in the pews. In the defense parte-another building-now the (?)-the walls are 4 feet thick! At the hostel we played ping pong-with a butcher from Glasgow--You certainly meet all kinds!
        Thursday was the day-July 13! We (?) in the a.m. for Penrith. I rode with Peg W. the guide. It has rained every minute in Eng. so far! + about the same in Scotland too! Anyway-we hooked a ride-7 miles-in the rain on a lorry-truck-we rode in front of some cows on their way to become beef! but we're not proud! It was luxury - in spite of the flies etc. The hills here are no joke! up + up! Puff-puff. Walk-walk! I kept my head out of the window-looking for fellow bikers-whom we passed (The air was delicious-outside I mean!). After lunch out again- a 50 mile day- for Langdale. We rode until we arrived at Ullswater Lake-the real beginning of the lake district! We couldn't find a lorry-what a time!-finally some men passed in a truck-we yelled for a ride + they stopped -5 of us-climbed in-after bikes- + sat with 5 men-they were miners on their way-whift at a lead mine! I started to say to Peg. W.--this really isn't half as bad as riding-then I stopped! wow. I was going to say-riding with the cows! As we pulled off Brax was puffing up hill-you should have seen his face. He's too conceited + bossy! He likes Gladys-there's another fellow Dick Conant from Boston-going to Yale in the fall-he hopes-very funny-O.K. I guess. Anyway he sticks with Baib Holbrook Jr. at Smith nice but very sophisticated! They drink + smoke!-inhabit all the bars on the way-The others are all right-Don is very self-satisfied-teaches English in Cal.
       Well to get back to the 13th of July-quel jour! The truck finally dumped us 7 miles farther along. It was a help anyway. From Patterdale we started up Kirkstone Pass-God bless it!- 3 miles of UP/! + 3 miles down-\ in the rain-drip drip-did we struggle-30 steps + rest! - 2 hours and then some - the top - where we had refreshing tea-personally all we do is eat! What food though-Ugh! Bread - stew - potatoes - carrots - Tea is marvelous - delicious cakes! - + candy etc! Then down - we walked part way = + rode - [brakes] squeaking. Rain + more rain - thru Ambleside-does it amble! right up the mt.-then Langdale-no fun for 8 days-we just sit-by the fire-cards. Wash write. Saturday Nancy Kengla-studying law in Wah. D.C. where she lives - + I had our hair done - lousy job - do I miss Mrs. Scott!
       After lunch we took a bus to Grasmere to see the Dove Cottage + Church where Wardsworth lived + the graveyard. DeQuincy is said to have written confessions in the cottage - I don't know him - more work for me! - anyway (?), Scott, Coleridge + Arnold were guests there at one time or another.I've been bad about writing but we really haven't much time. Today, Sun. I'm catching up - wash too!-
     The castles where we stayed were fun - different anyway - George + I were wondering about seeing more of France - but I guess we'll have to save that for another time. Last night a new girl guide came - Nancy Loyd Davis + Peg W. went this A.M. fairweather "Fairy" is the other guide - he's only "fair"-!
     My shoes are wrecks - one sole is torn - I hope they can be fixed. Otherwise everything's O.K. Those people on the boat whom I met were swell! So far no one can beat them. Hope you're having a swell time - How's the fireplace? + Oakwood? + our dear cousin - or hasn't she arrived yet? - don't show her this letter! just say it's personal! Well - I certainly hope you'll meet us in N.Y. - it would be marvelous!!!! So far I haven't even read half of that book - it's rather dry - It's fun to compare Burns' Wordsworth's Carlyl's + Walt's homes - I'm buying loads of post cards - I'm sure they're good! - I don't know about the camera. Did I write that on the boat my watch crystal fell off - + then both hands - (I still have the watch!)
       My checks are holding out so far I shall cash no. 2 today! We're living in a large house - cabin etc. Boys one side + girls on the other - baths too if one waits for hot water - I wish the rain would stop. tennis court is useless - swimming too cold - there's ping pong etc. awfully dull - next week we shall cycle to nearby towns.
     I think I shall send to Edinburgh for a few more Brooks sweaters at 5 or 7 a piece - I'll look in London 1st. They said they would ship to Liverpool free - the store is Romane + Pattersons - or something. More anon.
July 19, 1939.
We're still at Langdale - we visited a slate mine yesterday. I heard from Brussels this A.M. - plans are being made - more fun! This is the pass - it's touched up a bit to make it look steep - but it really was awful- 3 miles up! Should we bring bikes home - I almost think it isn't worth it - the English students here aren't bad - there's one German - 19 - grad. honors etc. deFuges. I heard from Frani Berna - She didn't see us at Boston - We're having a swell time - sunny yesterday + today. Love, Mary.

I drilled with a pneumatic drill for blasting!
July 23, Dear Dad and Mother,
    Last night was spent in this hostel in Stratford. In the evening we went to a performance of "Much Ado About Nothing." In the afternoon, we went to Shakespeare's birthplace, a Shakespeare museum + Ann Hataway's cottage. Trip is well + we will see Charlott's next Sunday.
Love, George
July 24,
Dear dad + Mother,
     Last night was spent in a hostel up on this hill. The view was beautiful + we could see for miles. In the afternoon we cycled through the cottshills - Stenton, Stanway, Cheltenham, + saw the (?) at (?). Today we continue on + reach Oxford tomorrow eve. We got a letter today + hope you are not too lonely. Love, George
July 25, 1939
     Hello! Had your letter of the 17th yesterday - we're biking thru the Cotswolds now - Warwick was swell! We saw the Fewbesbury abbey yesterday too - Chopping Campden - Broadway Stanton - typical houses etc. Maybe I'll enter Oxford if I don't make Smith! - fun! 2 more days + no more cycling - we're taking pictures of Casltenham etc from the hill we're on - some climb up with our bikes here! Sheep all around. Love, Mary.

I haven't written Ideleni Ades yet or anyone time is awful - can hardly keep diary! Saw movie last night - by bus down + up! Brother Rat. Tuesday how ancient!
July 27.
Hello! - Gosh last nite was marvelous - the good Smith news came! - Hier was practically all down hill - except 14 miles or so - we went out of the way to see a Roman Villa - this card was 25th - Cotswalds! etc. Now in Oxford - Betsy Tutor stopped me on the road yesterday - exciting! We've just finished (9:00 A.M.) cleaning potatoes! - Eat with Charl. Sun nite - Betsy invited for some meal too! Pubs are fun! Still no drinks for me!  - letter from Aunt Stella came - swell hostel here - baths etc. Hurrah - absolutely no time to write - awful! Off to see Oxford - tea 8 miles out etc! Busy!
Oxford is wonderful!
DELIVERY 1900/29(2PM)



Dear Nellie [their aunt]-
     I want to tell you that Mary just left here - and she looks so well and (?) and seems to be having one just wonderful time -
     The way I met her was too killing - I've been (?) all over England at bicycles and Wednesday we were driving (?) Broadway and I said - stop the car I see Mary Feil - Marian thought I had suddenly lost my mind - but there she was - and she came and had tea with us this afternoon - with some of her friends - all very nice -
          We are having a wonderful trip - laughing and howling and seeing all sorts of wonderful things - right now we're trying to absorb our trip worth - and we go to Paris tomorrow - where I hope to see your group again - I'm not sure I'll still be there but I hope so -
       I hope you are having a good summer. I just wanted to tell you I'd seen Mary and how well she is- George didn't appear for tea - but Mary said he's wonderful too - see you in September -
       Very best to you and the Doc -
Aug 1, 1939
Dear Mom + Dad,
   Our last day in London - how sad. I love it here-in spite of continual cloud bursts - We've seen all the famous sights. Changing of the guards - Westminster - Parliament was closed because of the darn IRA - more bombs etc. Also the law courts + the Thames boating are closed to visitors - We saw the Tower of London - the jewels are magnifique!
     Sunday we saw Hampton court - the maze was fun! - Windsor castle - more guards on parade + Eton boys too - Sunday nite Geo. + I went to Charlott's for dinner - the children are adorable - John's birthday was on your anniversary - Shirley Ann is almost 5 - they had just finished baths and were ready for bed! A delicious dinner - good salad (for a change - phooey to lamb potatoes + peas!) - Sunday Pudding for dessert - you must get the recipe - raspberries cake + whipped cream a foot thick! Denys escorted us to the bus = on the way we went to Hyde Park to hear the orators - mobs + fun! - Sat. afternoon I took 3 other girls after the British museum to the Ritz for tea in Betsy Tutor's room - more fun! - too full for supper! Monday we saw the Tower - St. Pauls - the Whispering gallery really worked! - ate at Cheschire Cheese - visited Johnson's house - one girl remarked it was early American - I wouldn't know - Old curiosity Shop was disappointing - cute from the outside - then we went through the National Gallery - big day! - after supper saw Mme Tussaud's Wax Museum - mistook a dummy for a guard + vice versa! - there was an old woman asleep sitting on a bench - just a dummy - loads of fun.
       Today I went shopping - walk - walk - well now for the good or (bad) news- $45 for a winter coat tweed at Busberry's - very practical - square shoulders - made to order for me - will meet me at Shouthampton - it's brown with a darker check over it - I also bought a lovely cashmere sweater - blue green cardigan (they're always more expensive!) + socks to match (I didn't buy material for a skirt to match) - for about $13.50. I also got a liberty scarf for a present or something -
By the way I took lollypops 6 for each + 1/2 lb. candy box to the Felkins - they seemed very pleased - Charlotte was sewing badges for Denys' new uniform - they also have a bomb shelter under the street - The IRA is the big thing here now - well, I must write to Paris - I'm terrible! I probably won't have any friends when I get home - The channel tomorrow - oh - this A.M. 5:30 we saw Covent Gardens! I'm dead tired. We saw French Without Tears fair - Friday nite - the Shakespeare Midsummer Nights etc. - was lovely - outside in Regents Park - well this a letter -
Was I excited when I saw that 'Gerald' (as you put it!) had written. He goes to Cambridge - he's in Germany now studying + having fun I guess - supper's ready now 0 (I'm sure I've gained weight![)] - We eat too much - teas and things you know -
    Sir Thomas is on a holiday - we called this A.M. to see if we could meet him - We haven't been to the B. gate yet maybe to night - I hear (I only saw him this A.M. - 5:30 - that George got top coat + sports coat - I've spent nearly $70 - where does the money go! - 3 sweaters + a coat - I hope it's all right - the clothes will last 4 years - + anyway I'm not getting a bike - too much trouble - etc. One girl got one (bike)) today for $30 - she says - all equipped - I really don't care though - Well supper's really ready - so see you soon -
            Mary -
   in N.Y. I hope!
Aug 6.
Dear Dad + Mother,
     Today we took a sheet down into Brussels + saw several hawkes + museums. Wine is very cheap here. Costs .15 to .20 a glass. Last night we went to a Belgian tavern - drank several glasses together went to a Cabaret. It really was not so hot + couldn't compare with New York night clubs. The music - American dance music for once. Today we (?) Brussels. What about our New York + Cleveland travel ticket,
Love, George
August 9 1939
Dear Dad + Mother,
      Last night we blew into Paris long about mid-night. We went to the hotel + then we went to get something to drink - champaigne.
      Brussels was really swell. We stayed at the University + the rooms were the best on the trip thus far. The night we arrived we went to a famous, old tavern for a glass of (?) + then went to another funk cabaret. Sunday, after lunch, I went for a walk with Nancy Kengler (girl from Washington in the trip) around Brussels. We saw several of the (?) - very pretty - + went to Benedictine in a very elaborate Catholic Church. After supper we went to a Diana Durbin picture which unfortunately was in French.
       Monday we went to Buigge + Bruce our leader pulled a Gener by putting us on a train which took 3 1/2 hours instead of 1 hour. There we saw a Cathedral + walked about. Town was rather commercialized. After supper in Brussels we went to a party at the University + did our party singing several songs. Have learned quite a few good ones while on the trip. The party broke up early - 10:30 or so + we went back to the tavern of Saturday night. After that we went to a Brussels New York nite-club. Real swing music - best on the trip. Nancy + I intended to stay just for a few minutes to see the joint but the music was so good that we did not get home till 3:15. It was about the best evening of the trip.
      Yesterday after a late rising we had lunch down in the (?). Then we walked around + found a fair (?) the rail road station. We found a baseball throwing place + I amazed the Belgeans standing up + worked the profusely by giving an exhibition of American baseball throwing. We were kind hearted + showed him after a few minutes of the (?) of giving up (?) one after another. We went on a roller coaster + shot with rifles. Then we caught the train to Paris about 5:30 + got here about 12.
       Your letters were good + we got one from Ed. Sorry about the Professor from Lakeside but we left Brussels + got the letter in Paris. We are coming back on teh Vellendam + if you (?) us with the ship. We have plenty of money - to get to New York but will need rail road tickets fome - Erie? I hop my grades have come + that I passed. Next fall if I am still in Yale I am giving up extra activities + stick to studying. Guess can't do both.
     The trip has really been marvelous + I think I have learned quite a bit. Thanks for fixing the job with Dr. Myers.
     If you are not coming east, leave our tickets with Aunt Stella. We will (?) if we don't get a wire from you. Guess I had better close as we are going out sight seeing. Will send save cords later on.
August 10,
Dear Dad + Mother,
     This continues yesterday's letter. After securing cash at the American Express we lunched + then went to the Place de la Concade. There we saw the Arc de Triumph + the Eiffel Tower. From there we piled on a bus for Verailles. It was quite a walk around the grounds, though the palace was not too much. We had a large tea because some of us were going to the opera - Volkyrie.
       The opera was really wonderful + I never enjoyed it more. I remember seeing the Volkyrie at home but this seemed even better. After the Opera Nancy + I walked about the streets + then met Bruce + Tommy (new member of the group) in a cafe. There was lots of Duchmen + Englishmen - lots of singing + excitement.
     This morning we went to the Louvre - rather extensive. Todnight we are going to the Bal Tabevin - French night club with a good (?) show.
       Hope everything is fine at home. Will try to get the fish for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to Micah's version of Mary's excursion ( a bit of a catchy title!). Travel safe and always wear helmet. (Because I am your aunt and not your mother I can say that without you rolling your eyes.) HAVE FUN! xoxo karen
